Based in New York, NY
B 1959 Mount Kisco, NY
My practice has always been shaped by technology. Working within the realm of “New Media,” I embrace the aesthetic tension that digital materiality imposes on the work to redefine it and offer new questions about it. I shoot with an iPhone and manipulate my pictures using various in-phone apps and Photoshop. The inherent features of these software are as important in directing my work as the choices I make within their vast menu of tools. I digitally print on various materials from paper, silk, archival polyester, to reclaimed wood - another kind of materiality.
Much of my work is inspired by early American and European landscape, and botanical painting. Weaving historical imagery into the narrative embeds a feeling of nostalgia and the sublime, whereas working within a digital platform suggests a more immediate truth in the environmental story.
Find out more about Carol Greenan Bouyoucos