KC WEAKLEY Photo Doug Keljikian
Based in New York, NY
B. 1957 Monticello, IL
There is a quality, a sensation, about drawing the figure that has captivated me for many years. I can wander with purpose through the wrap of a line around a shoulder, a cheek, an ankle. I’m old-school; I prefer graphite and charcoal on paper. I’m not a classicist nor an academician. I draw what I see without emotional intent. I draw to meditate. I meditate to draw.
Kent Curtis Weakly holds a BA in Art and Music from Millikin University, Decatur IL, and an MS in Interior Design from Pratt Institute, Brooklyn NY. His work is in private collections and he has exhibited at the Hudson Guild in Chelsea, New York City. He came late to the party, working as an Interior Designer. The artist accepts commissions as they appear.
Find out more about KC Weakley