Based in Long Island City, NY
B. 1962, Queens New York
Tina Glavan is an artist working in a variety of mediums, including encaustic, watercolor, ink, graphite and pastel. I’m inspired by the interplay between consciousness and the unconscious, her work reflects a deep engagement with the environment and the rhythms of daily life. She welcomes studio visits, which can be arranged by email at tmg.encaustics@gmail.com.
Tina Glavan is an artist living and working in Long Island City, NY. She is an active member of the vibrant, Long Island City arts community, home to MOMA PS1, The Noguchi Museum, CultureLabLIC and many art galleries. Born in Queens, NY in 1962, she received a Bachelor’s Degree in Graphic Design from Parsons School of Design and an Associates Degree in Interior design from the New York School of Interior Design. After more than 30 years in the design industry, she now focuses on painting. She has exhibited widely in galleries from New York to Oregon and Internationally in Japan.
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